Echos of An Unverifiable World 不可验证世界的回声
Version 001
Enlightenment stems from an understanding of divine order, which is the flow of the cosmos. With archival material of Japanese propaganda in Indonesia during World War II, this edition attempts to capture the pulse of Japanese life, following a cosmological and sonic clue.
Version 002
Using archival material of soldiers detecting the weather/enemy, I fictionalized a soldier looking into the distance with binoculars, traveling between the past and the future, poetically meditating on youth, eternity, the politics of idealism/communism, justice yet to come, and lovers yet to meet, trying to break through the cruelty and despair of war and life.借用士兵侦测天气/敌情的档案材料,我虚构了一个用望远镜眺望远方的士兵,在过去与未来之间穿行,诗意地冥想着青春、永恒、理想主义/共产主义的政治、尚未到来的正义,以及尚未相遇的恋人,试图突破战争与生命的残酷与绝望。