contact 联/系
+31 0647681716; +86 18896502825
about 切/解
Muyang Teng (Changzhou, Jiangsu, 1998) is a queer translator, writer, and cultural worker between languages, bodies, and borders, currently living in China and the Netherlands. Their name—evoking both “shepherd” and “ocean-blessed”—reflects an ethos of exploring boundaries through poetry, translation, image-making, and critical theory. Their recent works examine the interweaving of Asian historical war memory and contemporary identity politics, presenting perspectives that transcend archival, cultural, geographical and linguistic boundaries.
They view queerness as an embodied methodology. Childhood language struggles triggered their writing and translation praxes. Moving between Chinese and English, between traditional and contemporary thought, their fragmentary expressions and bilingual consciousness evolved into a mode of cognition. They explore how seemingly fixed surfaces—skin, meaning, difference—continue to vibrate in trauma and transformation. Through juxtaposing different historical moments, they reveal the continuity between colonial history and modern racial construction. Their poetry weaves the uncertainty of existence itself into the texture of language.
As an “amateur” (in the original sense of “lover”), their praxes resist simple categorization while moving between different cultural contexts. Through critical fabulation, intentional or unintentional misunderstanding, and subversive humor, they reconstruct historical fragments too minute for official archives, or question the excessive record of Orientals. Their recent poetry collection Bearly Pain started with (un)translatability, exploring the boundaries of identity and memory through multilingual mixing and character decomposition. Images like “vanishing point” and “white mirrors” reflect both the rupture between self-recognition and understanding of the others, while also revealing the loss and reconstruction of body and belonging in the process of translation.
Currently pursuing their second MA at Dutch Art Institute, Muyang previously received an MFA in Lens-Based Media from the Piet Zwart Institute with their thesis “Intoxicated and Intoxicating Terroir of ‘Yellow Queer’ Theories: experiences, positions, and subjectivities.” Their works have been exhibited at V2_ Lab for Unstable Media (Rotterdam), WORM (Rotterdam), SIGN (Groningen), Eye Filmmuseum (Amsterdam), Nida Art Colony (Nida), and Mugetang Gallery (Chengdu), where early solo exhibitions investigated the survival strategies and poetics of resistance in China’s urban-rural fringes.