Box Man / Another Face / Everyday Birthday / Human Spring
箱猎 / 切脸 / 生雷 / 毒春

Concrete shatters. Poetry bites its way through the cracks. A neutered cat steals love. The chameleon performs its final deception. In Cuba, Chinese bones turn white as sugar. These are screams from empty rooms, curses under hospital fluorescence. They draw maps of exile while gnawing through chains. This poetry bites back, standing naked in the factory's harsh light, erect like a wild beast.
Intoxicated and Intoxicating Terroir
of ‘Yellow Queer’ Theories:
experiences, positions, and subjectivities
A theoretical membrane pulses through crossings-between - neural networks of postcolonial/queer/crip/Daoist/translational tissues interweave, interpenetrate. One pathway excavates sediments of “embodied experience-racialization-queer desire”, while another dissolves into animation and poetic text, birthing visceral insights that rupture categorical borders.
Key mutation: No linear A-to-Z progression marching in academic lockstep. Instead, chapters collide like quantum particles - their arrangement performs theoretical discord. Method and concept foreground toxicity, rupture, chaos, uncertainty. Academic discourse fragments. The membrane between “dissertation” and “artistic praxis” becomes permeable, porous.
This architecture transforms into process-based creolization - perpetual becoming-hybrid. Through molecular restructuring emerges frequencies of resistance: yellow queer artists navigating transcultural borderzones, bodies as sites of reflexive excavation and emergent possibility.
建筑转化为过程性杂交 - 永续的混血生成。分子重组中浮现抵抗频率:黄种酷儿艺术家游弋跨文化边境,身体既为自省遗址,亦为可能性胚胎。
Key mutation: No linear A-to-Z progression marching in academic lockstep. Instead, chapters collide like quantum particles - their arrangement performs theoretical discord. Method and concept foreground toxicity, rupture, chaos, uncertainty. Academic discourse fragments. The membrane between “dissertation” and “artistic praxis” becomes permeable, porous.
This architecture transforms into process-based creolization - perpetual becoming-hybrid. Through molecular restructuring emerges frequencies of resistance: yellow queer artists navigating transcultural borderzones, bodies as sites of reflexive excavation and emergent possibility.
建筑转化为过程性杂交 - 永续的混血生成。分子重组中浮现抵抗频率:黄种酷儿艺术家游弋跨文化边境,身体既为自省遗址,亦为可能性胚胎。