Wandering Dogs 游犬
Photography / Installation
While modern management views urban-rural junctions as chaotic spaces requiring intervention, my wanderings through these areas in Chengdu revealed a warmth absent in commodified urban spaces. The two-yuan stores, now facing extinction due to e-commerce and rising rents, particularly captured my attention as sites of vanishing social relationships.
I collected items from these stores and transformed them through simple techniques - winding, collaging, and stacking - into sculptures that exist between utility and belief. By employing deliberately rough, low-tech methods, my work echoes the organic nature of urban-rural spaces while infusing these objects with a bittersweet aesthetic that expresses tenderness for vanishing communities.
This project explores not just daily life but "how to live." When we become too comfortable with predetermined paths to "guaranteed happiness," we risk submitting to homogenized existence. These marginal spaces teach us that true symbiosis isn't about uniformity, but about maintaining vitality outside the capitalist system.